Gies News Articles
Jun 15
FindMBA: The latest teaching innovations in online MBAs
As the number of online MBA students surpass residential MBAs the first time, advances in teaching technologies are greatly improving the learner experience.
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Jun 13
Two iMBA students named “Best & Brightest” by Poets&Quants
Taylor Stratton, a 31-year-old working in the University of Colorado Boulder athletic department, and Eduardo Martins Rocha, a 39-year-old business services manager in Colombia, were named to this year’s prestigious list.

Jun 07
iVenture Accelerator welcomes eighth and largest cohort
The University of Illinois’ iVenture Accelerator – powered by Gies College of Business – has admitted 16 startups into its eighth and largest cohort ever. This year’s group consists of 55 full-time students from 30 fields of study.

Jun 06
Gies virtual immersions explore culture, global issues
Gies virtual immersions are offered to all iMBA, iMSM and iMSA students. The College has partnered with local universities to introduce global business cultures and opportunities in Ghana, Colombia and Japan.