Hoeft T&M core coursework
The curriculum of the T&M Program comprises 10 courses. Each student in the program completes seven courses according to his/her college. Each course is offered only once each year. Students must complete these courses in sequence and on time. Each course is required.
3 classes in Gies College of Business
3 classes in Grainger College of Engineering
4 interdisciplinary classes unique to T&M
First Year
New Product Marketing for Technology and Management
Materials in Today's World
Management of Technology and Innovation
Fundamentals of Accounting
ECE 317
Technology and Management
CS 107
Data Science Discovery
Product Design and Development
Second Year
Corporate Finance (can be taken online or in the classroom at any time after admission to the program)
Mechanics for Technology and Management
Business Process Modeling
Technology, Engineering, and Management Final (Capstone) Project
NOTE: Completion of TMGT 460 satisfies the BADM 375 requirement for any major in Gies College of Business. Please note that the reverse does not hold; BADM 375 does not serve as a substitute for TMGT 460 for the Technology & Management minor.
* Students may choose between these two courses based on their career interests or what works best with their plan of study.
Capstone Project
The Technology, Engineering, and Management Final (Capstone) Project course is the culmination of the T&M curriculum. It is taken in the spring semester of the second year. Projects are provided by corporate affiliates and deal with real problems of significant issue to the sponsoring company. These projects typically involve significant technical and managerial issues in areas of engineering, finance, accounting, and marketing.
Interdisciplinary teams of seven to eight students work with program faculty advisors and representatives of the sponsoring companies to develop detailed, implementable solutions. Student teams will typically travel to the sponsor’s location to learn about the business and meet company employees with whom they will work. At the end of the course, project presentations are provided by the student team to senior leaders of the sponsoring companies.
T&M Seminar provides a glimpse into the program

The Technology & Management Seminar (BADM/ENG 261) is a semester-long class offered to sophomores from eligible majors in Gies College of Business, The Grainger College of Engineering, College of Agricultural and Consumer and Environmental Sciences, and the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences..
The seminar covers current topics in technology and management presented by senior executives from a wide range of industries. These executives discuss industry and corporate challenges, career options and the non-linear path most of them took to wind up in their current roles, and other insights that are helpful for students considering careers that focus on innovation themes. The class format encourages dialogue and discussions between executives and students.
Many students take this course to gain a fresh perspective on challenges regarding business and technological development. Though it is not a requirement for application into the T&M Program and is not any indication of acceptance into the Program, the seminar provides a preview of the types of content addressed by the T&M Program. Students may enroll in BADM/ENG 261 in the fall of their sophomore year.