Gies News Articles
Mar 31
Data scientist Bayraktar earns deeper understanding of business through iMSM
Accomplished data scientist Zikri Bayraktar said his desire to have a deeper understanding of business led him to Gies' online master’s in management (iMSM) program.
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Mar 29
US News & World Report ranks 3 Gies graduate programs
US News & World Report has released it's latest graduate business school rankings, and Gies College of Business is listed among the nation's best in three areas.

Mar 28
PODCAST: Accounting Professor Nerissa Brown paying it forward
A native of Jamaica and second-generation college student, Nerissa Brown is charged with not just preparing students for graduation, but also with helping them navigate a career path, overcome obstacles, and succeed in their chosen field.

Mar 15
Mississippi Project to give students broader perspective of the intersection of business and race
Ten freshmen and sophomores from Gies will spend the week learning about different business models from local entrepreneurs in Clarksdale, MS.

Mar 15
Barnitt uses iMBA to bridge gap between technical and business expertise
Rachel Barnitt decided to pursue a Gies iMBA to achieve her long-term career goals of bridging the communication gap between technical experts and business leaders. She had always planned to go back to school for a technology-related advanced degree, and when the pandemic hit, she began exploring her options in earnest.

Mar 09
How blockchain is disrupting business applications, personal identity
Those exploring the impact of blockchain on their business and personal lives should proceed with caution, according to a pioneer in enterprise blockchain technology and the adoption of digital assets such as bitcoin.

Mar 08
How brands are navigating Russia’s invasion of Ukraine
As Russia’s attacks on Ukraine intensify, many companies are reacting by ending sales and service in Russia. Every day, more multinational organizations are cutting ties. But some, like Coca Cola, Pepsi, and McDonalds, haven’t yet taken that step.

Mar 07
Gies builds iBlock, leading blockchain revolution in higher education
Gies College of Business is solidifying its place at the forefront of the blockchain revolution with the creation of its own blockchain, to be used for both teaching and research.

Mar 03
FindMBA: Surviving and thriving in an online MBA
Many learners choose an online MBA over a residential format because of it's flexibility and their ability to fit the degree into their work and personal life. But there's so much more to enjoying success in an online MBA.

Mar 01
iMSM a matter of timing for Sindy
Omeed Kasim Adham Sindy always knew he wanted to get a master’s degree in business. For him, it was all about timing. He chose an iMSM from Gies because he could work at his own pace to earn an advanced degree from a top-tier business school in one year.