Sep 11, 2023 2023-09 Accountancy Business Administration Faculty Finance Research in Education
Eight selected as Gies Teaching and Learning Faculty Innovation Scholars
Eight Gies faculty members have been named Teaching and Learning Faculty Innovation Scholars for 2023. The program identifies and supports faculty who undertake innovative learning activities and develop educational materials that advance the Colleges commitment to fostering excellence in business education. We are excited to announce the inaugural cohort of Gies Teaching and Learning Faculty Innovation Scholars.
Fei Du: The Power of Accounting and AI in Identifying SP8 versus SP492
Fei’s proposal delves into the intersection of AI and finance by exploring its potential in equity selection strategies. One of the central questions this research aims to answer is whether AI can outperform traditional stock selection approaches in terms of performance. By leveraging AI tools like ChatGPT and Mathematica, the project aims to create a user-friendly environment, allowing students to harness AI’s power in equity selection without extensive coding knowledge. By fostering computational thinking skills and combining traditional methodologies with AI insights, Fei’s project contributes to holistic learning experiences and prepares students for finance careers in an AI-empowered world.
Ron Guymon, Lin Wang, and Ye Joo Park: AI-Assisted Grading Tool
Ron, Lin, and Ye Joo proposed the development of an AI-assisted grading tool. The goal is to streamline the grading process by integrating AI capabilities, specifically using ChatGPT’s API. Their research will focus on evaluating AI performance relative to grader performance, and student satisfaction. They will randomly assign students and TAs to either a control condition or to an AI-generated feedback condition and compare the outcomes between the two groups. The findings will contribute to the field by enhancing our understanding of AI’s impact on grading, improving teaching and learning practices, and inspiring further research that uses AI in the field education.
Heejin Kim: Enhancing Experiential Learning
Heejin’s proposals address challenges in experiential learning within undergraduate business classes. The first research project aims to improve teamwork in courses by understanding students’ diverse mental models of teams. The second project focuses on the role of clients in project-based experiential learning courses. By understanding how clients perceive their involvement, the research aims to enhance the practicality and effectiveness of client-based projects. The research team includes four other B201 faculty: Judith White, Elizabeth Luckman, Kari Keating, and Mingshuang Ji.
Unnati Narang: Impact of Generative AI in Online Learning
Unnati’s research proposal delves into the transformative impact of generative AI on online learning environments. The project employs randomized field experiments to explore how AI-generated responses to weekly discussion prompts in Yellowdig influence student engagement and participation in online courses. By comparing AI-generated responses with traditional approaches, the study seeks to better understand AI’s role in enhancing or hindering learner interaction. The study will also examine boundary conditions for when AI helps vs. hurts online learners.
Aric Rindfleisch and Myoung Kim: Exploring the Use of Generative AI as a Teammate
Aric and Myoung proposed a project exploring the integration of generative AI as a team member in marketing courses. Specifically, they plan on incorporating ChatGPT into the semester-long team projects in two marketing courses during the Fall 2023 semester. The researchers will ask students to share their experiences with, and feelings about, this technology and how they use it to complete various project-related tasks. In addition, they plan to conduct a pretest at the start of their courses to assess student opinions about the role and value of this technology. They will then administer the same instrument as a posttest and compare the results. In addition, they plan on observing student teams throughout the semester and recording their observations.
Vishal Sachdev: Scaling AI-Powered Feedback in Business Education
Vishal’s proposal centers on an AI-supported automated feedback tool (AFT) designed to augment the instructional efficiency and effectiveness in high-enrollment courses, especially in the asynchronous online modalities. It builds on a preliminary prototype of this tool, which is able to evaluate discussion forums along with a rubric and give feedback. The AI-based AFT is designed to provide students with real-time, personalized feedback on their assignments (initially discussions), reducing faculty workload and enhancing the overall learning experience. The tool employs cutting-edge artificial intelligence techniques to evaluate students’ assignments and provides instant, constructive, and individualized feedback.
About Gies Teaching and Learning
Gies Teaching and Learning is dedicated to enhancing the pedagogical expertise of Gies College of Business faculty to create high-quality, transformational learning experiences for our students. We serve all Gies faculty by providing expertise, advice, and support in instructional design, learning technologies, and best practices for teaching and learning.